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Teaching Packages

The below teaching packages are for those intending to teach this content to students or professionals. Materials can include module blueprints, slides with instructor notes, and questions with answers.

Integrated Photonics

Integrated Silicon Photonics



Integrated Silicon Photonics provides an introduction to optical confinement and waveguide constraints for a planar CMOS-compatible platform, followed by a review of the performance criteria for key passive/active planar devices, materials science or device physics insights for their chip integration, and leading-edge device designs and performance achievements.


Before downloading the teaching package, you will be first asked to complete the terms-of-use agreement, then provide your contact information, and then you will be able to download the file.

Photonic Materials Device


PMD1.1: Information Evolution and Integrated Photonics
Multicore chip evolution
Metal line delay and photonics for data transfer PIC technology timeline forecast


PMD1.2:  Light-Matter Interaction
Optics and the Wave Equation
Polarizability model for dielectric constant
Dispersion absorption


PMD1.3:  Bands and Bonds
Atomic bonding and optical, thermal, mechanical property trends. Bandstructure, band gap, and effective mass Carrier scattering


Photonic Materials and Devices


There are two modules:

  • PMD1 - Fundamentals

  • PMD2 - Materials and Passive Devices


They can be used individually or in sequence.


Here you can find the seven parts of the PMD1- Fundamentals module (files PMD1.1-PMD1.7),  as well as a folder that includes all seven sections (PMD1).


PMD1.4: Materials DesignAlloy design

Thin-film strain design; Structural and thermal properties; 

Case study: materials design for fiber-optic systems


PMD1.5: Optical Links
WDM optical communications link
Dispersion/attenuation limited link design


PMD1.6: System Design
Attenuation-limited versus dispersion-limited optical link
Advanced modulation formats


PMD1.7: WDM Device Components
Principal device components for a WDM capacity optical link

Photonic Materials Device 2


Photonic Materials and Devices 2

There are two modules:


  • PMD1 - Fundamentals

  • PMD2 - Materials and Passive Devices


They can be used individually or in sequence.


Here you can find the five parts of the PMD2- Materials and Passive Devices (files PMD2.1-PMD2.5),  as well as a folder that includes all five sections (PMD2).

PMD2.1: Propagation of Light

Ray/Wave Optics
EM Wave Optics: the Traveling Wave Equation Materials Polarizability Model for Refractive Index, Absorption
Field Polarization and Jones Matrices


PMD2.2: Transfer Matrix Formalism for Traveling EM Waves
Transfer Matrices
TE, TM Mode Transmission


PMD2.3: Optical Waveguiding
Waveguide Confinement

Finite Difference Method
Fourier Optics


PMD2.4: Resonances and Interferences for Spectral Filters
WDM Resolver vs Filter
Fabry-Pérot Cavity, Filter
WDM Network Needs


PMD2.5: Integrated Resonator Devices
Bragg Filters versus Ring Resonators
Coupled-Mode Theory Design Parameters


Design of Integrated Photonic Devices and Circuits 


Design of Photonic Integrated Devices and Circuits provides learners with approaches for designing photonic integrated devices and circuits using available photonic design automation tools, and how the essential building blocks, such as various passive and active devices, are combined to form various photonic integrated circuits.


This teaching package will be posted soon.

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77 Massachusetts Ave (13-4122)

Cambridge, MA 02139

Tel: 617-715-5775


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